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Sage 100 Contractor 4-7-3 Credit Card Receipts


Import Credit Card Receipts directly into Sage 100 Contractor. Simply download your credit card receipts into Excel, review and apply credit card receipt information and import directly into Sage 100 Contractor 4-7-3 Credit Card Receipts.

Are you tired of manually keying in Credit Card Receipts one by one into Sage 100 Contractor? Would you rather download your credit card receipts, fill in the blanks in Excel and import the details directly into Sage 100 Contractor? The following integration template allows you to do just that. It mimics every feature and function of the 4-7-3 Credit Card Receipts data entry form.

Key Features:

Import Template Download:

Import File Layout:

Header Layout
HeaderReferenceData TypeTabExampleDescription
COL1RequiredAPCCR(File Type Code)
COL2RequiredH(Header Record)
COL3Required (1)String (20)Header123_abcTransaction Reference
COL4Required **NumericHeaderCredit Card Account
COL5Required **NumericHeaderCredit Card Sub Account
COL6RequireddateHeaderYYYY-MM-DDTransaction Date
COL7RequiredString (50)HeaderCC Transaction DescTransaction Description
COL8Required (2)String (50)HeaderPayee
COL9** (2) (3)NumericHeaderInvoice/Payment CreatedVendor Recnum
COL10String (50)Headerusrdf1
COL11String (50)Headerusrdf2
COL13(4)DatePosting Period

** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
COL: a placeholder must be provided for each column even if no value is provided
(1) Transaction Reference must be unique for each line item.
(2) Payee should be left blank if a Vendor Recnum is entered and will default to the Vendor Name. If both a Payee and Vendor No are entered the Payee value will be ignored and defaulted to the Vendor Name.
(3) If you enter a vendor, a paid invoice is created. If you look in 1-3 Journal Transactions, you see that two journal transactions have been created. This is a typical journal transaction and a record of the payment (the paid invoice).
(4) If posting period is left blank then the Transaction Date will be used as the posting period

Detail Layout
COL1RequiredAPCCR(File Type Code)
COL2RequiredD(Detail Record)
COL3RequiredString (20)Header123_abcTransaction Reference
COL4Required **NumericHeaderLedger Acct Recnum
COL5**NumericDetailSub Account Recnum
COL6String (50)DetailLine Description
COL7** (1)NumericDetail(Vendor Recnum Required)Part No
COL8String (10)DetailUnit of Measure
COL9Numeric (12,4)DetailQuantity
COL10(2)Numeric (15,6)DetailPrice
COL11(3)Numeric (9,2)Detail(Enter 0 or Blank if Qty and Price entered)Total Amount
COL12String (50)DetailUser Defined 1
COL13**String (20)DetailWIP / Direct Exp *Workorder No
COL14**NumericDetailWIP / Direct Exp *Job No
COL15**NumericDetailWIP / Direct Exp *Phase No
COL16String (50)DetailWIP / Direct Exp *Description
COL17**Numeric (15,3)DetailWIP / Direct Exp *Cost Code
COL18**NumericDetailWIP / Direct Exp *Cost Type
COL19TextDetailWIP / Direct Exp *Notes
COL20**NumericDetailEquip Exp **Equip No
COL21String (50)DetailEquip Exp **Description
COL22**Numeric (15,3)DetailEquip Exp **Cost Code
COL23**NumericDetailEquip Exp **Cost Type
COL24TextDetailEquip Exp **Notes

** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
COL: a placeholder must be provided for each column even if no value is provided
(1) Part No is only allowed if a Vendor No is entered in the Header.
(2) Price may not be a negative value. If the line amount is negative you must make the "Quantity" negative
(3) The Total Amount field will be automatically calculated based on the Quantity and Price entered. If Quantity and Price are not entered then a value must be provided.
WIP / Direct Exp * - Required if the lgract (Col 4) is assigned to [3 - WIP Assets] or [13 - Direct Expense] account type
Equip Exp** - Required if the lgract (Col 4) is assigned to [14 - Equip/Shop Expense] account type

File Example:
CCR,H,"CC124","2250","1156","7/16/2020","drill bits","Owens Hardware",,"","","",""
CCR,D,"CC124",6001,,"drill bits",,"",,,125,,"",,,"",,,"",,"",,,""
CCR,H,"CC125","2250","1156","7/17/2020","office supplies","Office Max",,"","","",""
CCR,D,"CC125",6001,,"office supplies",,"",,,45,,"",,,"",,,"",,"",,,""


System Requirements:

Requires the Sage 100 Contractor Data Integration Suite