Company Info

Sage 100 Contractor 4-4 Vendors


Import Vendors directly into Sage 100 Contractor. Simply download your vendors into Excel, review and apply vendor information and import directly into Sage 100 Contractor 4-4 Vendors.

Are you tired of manually keying in Vendors one by one into Sage 100 Contractor? Would you rather download your vendors, fill in the blanks in Excel and import the details directly into Sage 100 Contractor? The following integration template allows you to do just that. It mimics every feature and function of the 4-4 Vendors data entry form.

Key Features:

Import Template Download:

Import File Layout:

" "
FieldReferenceData TypeTabExampleDescription
filetypeRequiredAPVENDAPVEND(File Type Code)
recnumRequiredNumericHeader201701Vendor No
vndnmeRequired(I)String (75)HeaderCapital VenturesVendor Name
shtnmeRequired(I)String (30)HeaderCap VentVendor Short Name
vndtyp**NumericHeaderVendor Type
ownnmeString (50)GeneralJohn BigginsOwner Name
addrs1String (50)GeneralVendor Addr 1
addrs2String (50)GeneralVendor Addr 2
ctynmeString (50)GeneralVendor City
state_String (2)GeneralVendor State
zipcdeString (10)GeneralVendor Zip
minsts**NumericGeneral0=None;1=Minority Owned;2=Women Owned;3=Disabled VetMinority Type
taxdst**NumericGeneralTax District
usrdf1String (50)GeneralUser Def1
usrdf2String (50)GeneralUser Def2
fedidn***String (64)Financial[Encrypted Field]Federal ID No
steidnString (20)FinancialState ID No
resnumString (30)FinancialResale No
actnumString (30)FinancialAccount No
licnumString (30)FinancialLicense No
intrnlNumericFinancial0-No;1=YesInternal Vendor
prt199 ** Numeric Financial US Edition: 0-Undetermined; 1-Nonemployee Comp; 2-Rent; 3-Attorney; 4-Interest; 5-Medical; 6-Dividends; 7-No 1099 Non-US: 0-Undetermined; 1-Nonemployee Comp; 2-Rent; 3-Attorney; 4-Interest; 5-No 1099 1099 Type
elc199NumericFinancial0-No;1=YesAatrix Electronic 1099 Consent
eml199String (75)FinancialAatrix Email Recipient
dscrteNumeric (3,2)Invoice DefaultsDiscount Rate
dscdteString (6)Invoice Defaults##DY,##TH or ##MODiscount Terms
duedteString (6)Invoice Defaults##DY,##TH or ##MODue Terms
cmprteNumeric (3,2)Invoice DefaultsWork Comp Rate
utxrteNumeric (3,2)Invoice DefaultsUse Tax Rate
lgrdft**NumericInvoice DefaultsLedger Account
cdedft**Numeric (12,3)Invoice DefaultsCost Code
typdft**NumericInvoice Defaults0-None; 1-Material; 2-Labor; 3-Equipment; 4-Subcontract; 5-Other; 6-Udf6; 7-Udf7; 8-Udf8; 9-Udf9Cost Type
stsdft**NumericInvoice Defaults0-None; 1-Open; 2-Review; 3-DisputeInvoice Status
wrndft**NumericInvoice Defaults0-None; 1-Warn if no PO; 2-Warn if no Subcontract; 4-Require PO; 5-Require Subcontract; 6-Require PO or SubcontractPO Warning
utwarn**NumericInvoice Defaults0-None; 1-Warn if no Use Tax; 2-Require Use TaxUse Tax Warning
hotlstNumericInvoice Defaults0-No;1=YesPut on the Hot List
dupchkNumericInvoice Defaults0-No;1=YesAllow duplicate invoice no
sepchkNumericInvoice Defaults0-No;1=YesSeparate check for each invoice
rfptyp**NumericOther DefaultsRFP Type
rfpdscString (50)Other DefaultsRFP Description
ordtyp**NumericOther DefaultsPurchase Order Type
orddscString (50)Other DefaultsPurchase Order Description
contyp**NumericOther DefaultsSubcontract Type
condscString (50)Other DefaultsSubcontract Description
paymth**NumericOther Defaults0-None; 2-Check; 2-Credit Card; 3-ACH Payment; 4-Online Banking; 5-Manual Check; 6-VoucherPreferred Payment Method
dirdepNumericACH Pmt0-No;1=YesEnable ACH payment
prente**NumericACH Pmt1=Prenote;2=10 day wait;3=Active;4=InactiveACH Account Status
acttyp**NumericACH Pmt1=Checking;2=SavingsACH Account Type
rtnmbrString (9)ACH PmtACH Routing No
bnkactString (64)ACH PmtACH Bank Account No
achemlString (75)ACH PmtACH Email Rec To

Required(I) - required for Inserts only
** Validated Field - value must exist in the respective lookup table in Sage 100 Contractor
*** Field Encryption - this field is encrypted by default, in order to import a value into this field, Encryption must be turned OFF
1) Go To 7-1 Company Information
2) Click Options, then Database Security Encryption
3) Select "OFF"

File Example:
APVEND,19001,ABC Contracting, ABC Cont,2
APVEND,19002,DF Construction, DF Const,2


System Requirements:

Requires the Sage 100 Contractor Data Integration Suite